IGTC Stakeholders
IGTC Stakeholders are commercial, for-profit organisations that are engaged in the agricultural trade and have investments reliant on the international movement of grain, oilseeds and other agri-bulks for food, feed, or processing (FFP).
These companies are members of an IGTC member association and commit to support the IGTC.
Benefits of being a Stakeholder in IGTC
Stakeholders can help:
1. Reduce risks and costs for the grain industry by reducing trade disruptions, harmonizing rules and influencing practical policy developments.
2. Encourage the efficient use of resources to reduce the burden on individual member organizations by leveraging the expertise of the secretariat and individual members across the world.
3. Guide members by creating a policy platform that enables the industry to speak with one voice in international forums and venues in a way that materially impacts policy development.
IGTC is funded by contributions from member associations. There are recommended and optional contributions for Stakeholders, which are established by the General Assembly and approved by Management Council.
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