IGTC meetings and events: calendar update

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About Us

International Grain Trade Coalition Association (IGTC)

The International Grain Trade Coalition Association (IGTC) is a non-profit federation of associations formed to serve the greater good by promoting and facilitating the performance of the supply chain for grains, oilseeds, pulses and derived products. Aims include:

  • Support accomplishments toward world food security and economic well-being goals as defined by the United Nations.  
  • Inform and promote the common/shared interests of international actors that include farmers, producers, exporters, importers, governments and consumers.
  • Foster a safe, predictable, sustainable, affordable, nutritious and secure food supply across the world.
  • Share critical research and expertise on the global supply chain.  
  • Serve the diverse needs arising from international provision of food, feed, transport and processing for grains, oilseeds, pulses and derived products in particular by:

    • Providing technical, legal and economic evaluations of certain current and future practices and policy on the impact on the distribution chain and food availability, security, affordability, and safety;
    • Communicating internationally and supporting regional, national and local communication.

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Participate in IGTC

Participate in IGTC

Trade associations and Councils working to support international trade of grains, oilseeds, pulses and other agri-bulks are welcome to apply for IGTC membership.

For-profit entities supporting IGTC are welcome to be identified as IGTC Corporate Stakeholders and help guide our work. 

IGTC also seeks partnership with governmental bodies, other international interest groups and academic institutions.

Please contact us at: Secretariat@IGTCglobal.org to begin your participation with IGTC.  

Latest News

12.12.2024 International Opportunity: IGTC Executive Director
IGTC is seeking an experienced and visionary leader to join us as Executive Director. All details here.

19.11.2024 IGTC Members and Stakeholders Gather in Geneva to Shape the Future of the Coalition (November 14–15, 2024)
Over two productive days in Geneva, IGTC members and stakeholders came together for important discussions and decisions aimed at advancing the Coalition’s mission and addressing global grain trade challenges. Read more here.

28.06.2024 IGTC at the WTO events (June 25-27, 2024)
During the week of June 24th, IGTC actively participated in a series of events at the World Trade Organization (WTO) to promote digital tools in agriculture. Read more here.

14.06.2024 IGTC Members Address Future of Grain Trade at London Grains Week
The week of June 10-13, 2024, was marked by insightful reflections on the current state of the grain trade amidst the unpredictable environment, as IGTC members gathered in London to deliberate on the future of IGTC and actively participate in the International Grains Council (IGC) Conference 2024. Read more here.

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