
Virtual international meetings on the grain trade: London Grains Week (LGW) 2020

AHDB, Gafta, IGC and IGTC have come together to organise London Grains Week, along with support from DEFRA. The COVID-19 outbreak has caused a shift...

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FAO, WHO, WTO, voice support for free flowing trade amid Covid-19







IGTC fully supports the March 2020 Joint Statement by QU Dongyu, Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus and Roberto Azevedo, Directors-General of FAO,...

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ePhyto news: Morocco in full exchange mode - zero paper by 2021?

The international electronic exchange of ePhytos was launched in Morocco on 26 March, making it one of the first African countries to fully integrate...

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China grain trade representative statement on plant breeding innovation

IGTC member China National Association of Grain Sector (CNAGS) has released a statement (<link...

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Codex Coalition urges against delays of MRL approvals

Following the postponement of the Codex Committee on Pesticide Residues (CCPR-52) scheduled for Guangzhou in March/April, the IAFN Coalition for an ...

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