
UN meetings on Biological Diversity: Key decisions taken at COP-MOP 8 in Cancun, Mexico








The IGTC has returned from two weeks of UN negotiations on the Cartagena Biosafety Protocol, which saw the 170 countries, or 'Parties'...

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Want to know about the grain trade and the Cartagena Biosafety Protocol?

The IGTC will be present in Cancún for the thirteenth meeting of the Conference of the Parties (COP 13) to the Convention on Biological Diversity...

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USA stakeholder briefing, Arlington, D.C.

IGTC Acting Secretariat Katy Lee was in Arlington today to give stakeholders and partners in the Washington D.C. area an update on policy developments...

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IGTC welcomes new South African member association, SACOTA

The IGTC welcomes the South African Cereals and Oilseeds Trade Association, SACOTA, our newest member. Established in 1930, SACOTA is the most...

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IGTC event: World Trade Organization

10 November, 2016: the IGTC has welcomed an audience of governments and international decision makers to a seminar entitled "the grain trade’s...

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