
IGTC General Assembly and election results

IGTC's 2020 General Assembly was marked by "31 hours in the global grain trade", a series of events that brought together grain trade representatives...

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“Ag 5” LLP letter - Avoiding unnecessary trade disruptions

IGTC has approved new advocacy resources dedicated to the need to manage and reducing the potential for Low Level Presence (LLP) of safety-assessed GM...

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IGTC welcomes new Russian Federation member association, RUSGRAIN UNION in the mission to contribute to global food security and economic development through trade

RUSGRAIN UNION, the Russian Union of Grain Exporters has joined IGTC as its newest Member Association. Established in 2019, RUSGRAIN UNION brings...

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IGTC attends UN Biodiversity "special sessions"

15 September: A group of IGTC volunteers are attending meetings led by the UN Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) to prepare governmental...

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IGTC Grain trade updates posted on the Global Alliance for Trade Facilitation (GATF) repository

There has been a strong, collaborative and voluntary effort among the IGTC’s global constituency during the Covid-19 outbreak to share information...

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