
IGTC President in Brussels - International Grains Council (IGC) and European Commission meetings

IGTC President Gary C. Martin will be in Brussels today, Monday 4 December and tomorrow, Tuesday 5 December, for meetings regarding international...

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IGTC holds grain trade seminar at the Canadian Embassy in Washington, D.C.

On 15th November the IGTC held a high-impact seminar at the Canadian Embassy in Washington D.C, addressing the global need for grains and the...

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IGTC General Assembly concludes in Washington, D.C.

The IGTCs General Assembly concluded today in Washington D.C. after two days of meetings to discuss opportunities for the facilitation of the global...

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Coming up! IGTC outreach events in Washington D.C - November 15th

On the occasion of the IGTC's 2017 General Assembly, around 30 global grain trade leaders will travel to Washington D.C. on 15th and 16th November to...

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Global Low-Level Presence Initiative (GLI) moving forward

The 15 government members of the GLI have endorsed a statement on “practical approaches” to LLP in the supply chain, following the acceptance “ad-ref”...

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