WTO SPS Committee: Request for delay in reduction of Maximum Residue Limits (MRLs)

On 30 June IGTC took part in an online meeting between Latin American delegations at WTO and the International Agri Food Network (IAFN) Coalition for an Enhanced Codex. The agenda focussed on the impacts of misaligned, missing and non-science based MRLs to manage crop protection products, especially in light of the Covid-19 pandemic. The consultation between the private sector and Latin American countries came after Argentina, Colombia, Costa Rica, Nicaragua, Paraguay and some 25+ others tabled a request for the suspension of entry into force of reductions in MRLs at the June 2020 WTO SPS Committee.

During the 30 June meeting, private sector speakers presented evidence from different parts of the value chain including animal health, pistachios, crop protection, tea and herbs and tropical fruits. The grains sector and IGTC speaker was María Marta Rebizo from the Argentine chambers of the oilseeds industry and cereals exporters (CIARA-CEC). The IGTC’s Advocacy Strategy on MRLs includes outreach at WTO.